Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008 "Back to Life, back to reality"

That song was playing on the radio when I was driving the princess to preschool.  Monday's are usually called blue Mondays and I understand that but it's all so a new fresh start kind of day too. Don't you think?  

Who says you have to hate moving?  It's difficult but it gives me the chance to clean out, weed through and donate things that we don't use or have no use for.  So after dropping the princess off my BFF Amber came by and we loaded the back of the suv with a ton of stuff and went to the Goodwill.  I didn't have a chance to look around in the store do to lack of time but maybe tomorrow I'm looking for a couple of office desks.    From the Goodwill I took Amber to the new house she hadn't seen it till then.  

Then off to the Hot Topic to buy a pair of really cool shoes but of course they didn't have them so we'll have to buy them online.  Always happens doesn't it?

Well, now it's time to get back to packing and taking small things over to the new house and even though it's late afternoon on Monday I hope you had a great day!


Glenda said...

Welcome to blog land. I saw you were on Tam's site and left a comment thought I'd come over and say hello.


Darlene said...

Hi Christine,

Thanks for stopping by my blog and welcome to blogland!!! I can't wait to see your new home and how you decorate it. Sounds like, in your last post, you already bought some great things. Look forward to visiting with you more.