Wow, can you believe the weather some people are getting...I mean snow in
Las Vegas? Here in Chandler,
Az it is cool like what 46 degrees with a high of 59 and tomorrow it's suppose to be in the low 60's which to me is Christmas weather but wouldn't a little surprise of snow be nice?
Anyway, I finished a couple of home made decorations nothing major but cute. Need to get motivated to cook next week and it should be a small gathering so I'm happy about that.
A woman at my husbands job went into early delivery (she was 5 months along) and delivered a baby boy weighing only a little more than a pound. I asking if you should have the time if you would pray for Jennifer and baby Jackson. They need all the prayers you can give them she is also in need of personal time so she can stay with her child. I pray for her and their family.
Thank you,