Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Alright, Peeps!   I have been thinking about making some changes to my blog and would like your opinion.   So here we go:

1) How did you discover my blog?

2) Are you a follower?

3) What would like to see changed? Blog colors, music...????

4) What keeps you interested?

5) What interests you the most?  Scrapbooking, photography, mixed media, sewing, decorating,  and etc.

6) What kind of things would keep you interested?

7) What kind of blogs are you interested in?

I know that I have a few followers and readers but I know you all don't leave comments but I would really appreciate it you would leave me a comments today.

Have a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi There!
I absolutely Love your Blog....
The Artwork is sensational! I don't think you should change a thing because it is individual.
This is Just My Humble Opinion!!