Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday. January 4, 2009

Is this not beautiful.? I seriously need to get my butt in gear and start creating. I just seem to be in some sort of funk and just can't seem to get started. Well I take that back I have started my 2009 journal and began with my "one little word".

But I am dying to get my fingers dirty and started on something shabby chic but nothing comes to mind. My brain is full of things I need to get or decide to get my house furnished. How do you get inspired to create?

1 comment:

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Hi Christine! So nice to "meet" you! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have lots of thoughts, I just never seem to remember all of them to write in the blog!

I love the living room you selected. Can't wait to see more of it's progression. I suppose I do what you do, look in mags or online to see what is "out there."

That's how I came up with the nursery design!

Happy 2009!
