Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday, January15, 2009

Well, there really hasn't been much creating the last couple of days.  The Princess tripped on something and hit her chin smack on the family room table.  I heard a hard knock followed by a loud cry.  I wasn't more than 6' away and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the big knot that was forming on her chin.  I immediately checked to make sure she didn't knock any teeth out luckily she didn't but she did have a huge knot and it was starting to turn black and blue.  We immediately put ice on it and for the rest of the night there was a lot of cuddling, watching Sponge Bob and coloring. I felt so bad my dh and I are always telling her to slow down and not run but kids just do what they want sometimes.   The Princess is doing a lot better today and as you can see she still has a big mark. 

Planning on working on a project today will share when it's complete.

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