Friday, May 22, 2009

Sick,sick, sick

I have been sick the last 4 days with a stomach ick!  My daughter started it last week and was out of commission for a day and a half then my husband caught it and was down for about a day.  Well, last Monday it was my turn and it obviously hit me the worst.  I didn't start to feel better till Wednesday night and was about 90% yesterday but still feel like I was able to drive...the Princess and I layed low yesterday.  But I'm happy to report that I feel almost back to normal.  I hate being sick especially when things are coming out of both ends (wink, wink). I have never thrown up so much in my life!!  On the positive side I did loose some weight but what a way to do it, LOL!

So as I continue to lay low and get some things down I hope you have a wonderful Memorial day weekend.

God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Aw-w-w-w-w-w.... Hope you start feeling better soon!! Sounds like you were down-for-the-count.
Have a Great Weekend!

DIANE said...

I just got your letter this morning, made my (very grey) day. Eight straight days of rain and below 10˚C weather was starting to get me down! Hope you are feeling much better!