Monday, May 4, 2009

What is happening????

During Obummers campaign his whole thing was CHANGE well he wasn't lying.  He is taking everything our Founding Father's created and trashing it, tearing it up and then stomping on it!!!  As if he's "plan" on creating a ONE WORLD country was enough now he's spewing out other ridiculous ideas like what we'll for one he's been talking about Health care for everyone, LOL that's funny I just hope no one has a life threatening disease because you WILL have to take a number, also now he's talking about not being able to take a tax deduction when donating items to a church, or how about this one not being able to take a tax credit/deduction on your house come tax time.   

We were people thinking when them made this guy President?  I don't even think he is a Christian as he claims, if he were why is he trying to take it away from us?  Can someone please explain this to me?!!  I can tell you this no matter what this guy does he will never take away my FAITH in GOD or prevent me from praying or going to service every Sunday!!!

Enough, enough...see you tomorrow.

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